Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Civil Liberties & Civil Rights Essay

Civil Liberties & Civil Rights 1. The clause in the First Amendment of the US Constitution that prohibits the establishment of religion by Congress. 1. The Free Exercise Clause is the accompanying clause with the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. 2. The Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the Bill of Rights which guards against unreasonable searches and seizures, along with requiring any warrant to be judicially sanctioned and supported by probable cause. 3. The 5th Amendment states that a person can be tried for a serious federal crime only if he or she has been indicted (charged, accused of that crime) by a grand jury. No one may be subjected to double jeopardy – that is, tried twice for the same crime. All persons are protected against self-incrimination; no person can be legally compelled to answer any question in any governmental proceeding if that answer could lead to that person’s prosecution. The 5th Amendment’s Due Process Clause prohibits unfair, arbitrary actions by the Federal Government. 4. The Sixth Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights that sets forth rights related to criminal prosecutions. The Supreme Court has applied the protections of this amendment to the states through the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. 5. The Eighth Amendment to the United States Constitution is the part of the United States Bill of Rights (ratified 1789) prohibiting the federal government from imposing excessive bail, excessive fines or cruel and unusual punishments, including torture. 6. The Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments to the United States Constitution each contain a Due Process Clause. Due process deals with the administration of justice and thus the Due Process Clause acts as a safeguard from arbitrary denial of life, liberty, or property by the Government outside the sanction of law 7 . The 14th amendment is a very important amendment that defines what it means to be a US citizen and protects certain rights of the people. There are three important â€Å"clauses† in the 14th amendment  ·Citizenship Clause – the citizenship clause gives individual born in the United States, but especially at that time, African Americans the right to citizenship.  ·Due Process Clause – the due process clause protects the 1st amendment rights of the people and prevents those rights from being taken away by any government without â€Å"due process.†  ·Equal Protection Clause – This part of the fourteenth amendment states that there may be no discrimination against them by the law. 8. The incorporation of the Bill of Rights (or incorporation for short) is the process by which American courts have applied portions of the U.S. Bill of Rights to the states. 9. Prior restraint (also referred to as prior censorship or pre-publication censorship) is censorship imposed, usually by a government, on expression before the expression actually takes place. An alternative is to allow the expression to take place and to take appropriate action afterward, if the expression is found to violate the law, regulations, or other rules. 10. Symbolic speech is a legal term in United States law used to describe actions that purposefully and discernibly convey a particular message or statement to those viewing it. Symbolic speech is recognized as being protected under the First Amendment as a form of speech, but this is not expressly written as such in the document. 11. In United States criminal law, probable cause is the standard by which an officer or agent of the law has the grounds to make an arrest, to conduct a personal or property search, or to obtain a warrant for arrest, etc. when criminal charges are being considered. 12. The exclusionary rule is a legal principle in the United States, under constitutional law, which holds that evidence collected or analyzed in violation of the defendant’s constitutional rights is sometimes inadmissible for a criminal prosecution in a court of law. 13. Some of the things you can do in the â€Å"real world† you cannot do in school. 14. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) is a nonpartisan non-profit organization whose stated mission is â€Å"to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States. In the years following World War I, America was gripped by the fear that the Communist Revolution that had taken place in Russia would spread to the United States. As is often the case when fear outweighs rational debate, civil liberties paid the price. In November 1919 and January 1920, in what notoriously became known as the â€Å"Palmer Raids,† Attorney General Mitchell Palmer began rounding up and deporting so-called radicals. Thousands of people were arrested without warrants and without regard to constitutional protections against unlawful search and seizure. Those arrested were brutally treated and held in horrible conditions. 15.  Ã‚ ·A wharf owner sued the city of Baltimore for economic loss occasioned by the city’s diversion of streams, which lowered the water level around his wharves. He claimed that the city took his property without just compensation in violation of the Fifth Amendment.  ·Gideon is a landmark case in United States Supreme Court history. In the case, the Supreme Court unanimously ruled that state courts are required under the Fourteenth Amendment to provide counsel in criminal cases for defendants who are unable to afford to pay their own attorneys, extending the identical requirement made on the federal government under the Sixth Amendment  ·The Supreme Court decision in Miranda v. Arizona required (for the first time) that someone accused of a crime be informed of his or her constitutional rights prior to interrogation. This protected the rights of the accused, or the defendant, in two new ways: 1) It educated the person about relevant constitutional rights; and 2) It inhibited law enforcement officials from infringing those rights by applying the Exclusionary Rule to any testimony/incriminating statements the defendant made unless he intentionally waived his rights.  ·State Courts are held to the same standard as Federal Courts when evidence is obtained without the use of a search warrant, ensuring material obtained without a legitimate search warrant or probable cause cannot be used to prosecute a defendant in any court. This was an important application of the Bill of Rights to criminal procedure.  ·Gitlow v. New York was a decision by the United States Supreme Court decided on June 8, 1925, which ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution had extended the reach of certain limitations on federal government authority set forth in the First Amendment—specifically the provisions protecting freedom of speech and freedom of the pressâ€⠀to the governments of the individual states. 16. The U.S Constitution safeguards the rights of Americans to privacy and personal autonomy. Although the Constitution does not explicitly provide for such rights, the U.S. Supreme Court has interpreted the Constitution protect these rights, specifically in the areas of marriage, procreation, abortion, private consensual homosexual activity, and medical treatment. State and federal laws may limit some of these rights to privacy, as long as the restrictions meet tests that the Supreme Court has set forth, each involving a balancing of an individual’s right to privacy against the state’s compelling interests. Such compelling interests include protecting public morality and the health of its citizens and improving the quality of life. In Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965), the State of Connecticut convicted two persons as accessories for giving a married couple information on and a prescription for a birth-control device. The U.S. Supreme Court overturned the co nvictions and found the Connecticut law to be unconstitutional because it violated a right to privacy in the marital relation. Civil Rights 1. The Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Amendments were important to the Civil Rights Movement. 2. Its Equal Protection Clause requires each state to provide equal protection under the law to all people within its jurisdiction. This clause was the basis for Brown v. Board of Education (1954), the Supreme Court decision which precipitated the dismantling of racial segregation in United States education, and for Reed v. Reed (1971), where the Supreme Court struck down a law based on gender (with no â€Å"rational relationship to a state objective†) — the first such application based on sex. 3. Legislation frequently involves making classifications that either advantage or disadvantage one group of persons, but not another. States allow 20-year-olds to drive, but don’t let 12-year-olds drive. Indigent single parents receive government financial aid that is denied to millionaires. Obviously, the Equal Protection Clause cannot mean that government is obligated to treat all persons exactly the same–only, at most, that it is obligated to treat people the same if they are â€Å"similarly circumstanced.† Over recent decades, the Supreme Court has developed a three-tiered approach to analysis under the Equal Protection Clause. 4.  Ã‚ ·There were 3 thing said that day that would chage the way people looked at slavery -The court said that dread Scott had no right to sue because the framers of the Constitution (founding fathers) didn’t intend for blacks to be treated like citizens. Congress had no right/authority to take away a person’s property. (Slaves often thought of as property) An if slaves were property the federal government could not restrict the slave master from bringing an housing the on federal land that been off limits to slave owners. The Missouri compromise was unconstitutional .  ·The Plessy case does not impact society . It was overturned by Brown vs. Board of education in 1954. However, as a contributor commenting on this post, I must say that it led to further dispute over civil rights which eventually led to the Supreme Court reconsidering their decision in Brown v. Board of education and eventually overturning it.  · Brown v. Board of Education was a landmark United S tates Supreme Court case in which the Court declared state laws establishing separate public schools for black and white students unconstitutional.  ·U.S. was an important United States Supreme Court case dealing with the busing of students to promote integration in public schools. After a first trial going to the Board of Education, the Court held that busing was an appropriate remedy for the problem of racial imbalance in schools, even when the imbalance resulted from the selection of students based on geographic proximity to the school rather than from deliberate assignment based on race. 5. They deliberated for a year, at which point they issued a second ruling, Brown II, which avoided specifying what sort of racial balance might constitute compliance. Brown II stated that desegregation should be carried out with â€Å"all deliberate speed.† 6. De jure (Latin for â€Å"from the law†) segregation is the separation of people on the basis of race as required by by law. For example, after the Civil War and the ending of slavery by the 13th Amendment to the Constitution (1865), the governments of the former slave states found new ways to discriminate against black Americans. They enacted laws to require separate public facilities for blacks and whites. Blacks were required, for example, to attend separate schools, to use separate public rest rooms, and to use separate public drinking fountains. The separate facilities for blacks were supposed to be equal to the facilities provided for whites. This â€Å"separate but equal† doctrine was endorsed by the Supreme Court decision in Plessy v. Ferguson (1896). In reality, however, the facilities for black people were rarely, if ever, equal in quality to those provided for whites. Racial separation that exists as a matter of custom rather than as a legal requirement is known as de facto (Latin for â€Å"in fact†) segregation. For example, one neighborhood may include only white families, and another nearby neighborhood may include only black families. However, this racial segregation may have developed informally in response to social and economic factors, not as a requirement of the law. De jure segregation has been declared unconstitutional by the U.S. Supreme Court. In Brown v. Board of Education (1954) the Court ruled against de jure racial segregation in public schools. In subsequent cases the Court outlawed racial discrimination in other areas of public life. In 1964 Congress passed the Civil Rights Act, which outlawed de jure segregation. 7. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 enacted July 2, 1964 is a landmark piece of civil rights legislation in the United States that outlawed major forms of discrimination against racial, ethnic, national and religious minorities, and also women. It ended unequal application of voter registration requirements and racial segregation in schools, at the workplace and by facilities that served the general public known as â€Å"public accommodations†. 8. The 1965 Voting Rights Act was a natural follow on to the 1964 Civil Rights Act. Ironically, the 1964 Act had resulted in an outbreak of violence in the South. White racists had launched a campaign against the success that Martin Luther King had had in getting African Americans to register to vote. The violence reminded Johnson that more was needed if the civil rights issue was to be suitably reduced. 9. The Twenty-fourth Amendment prohibits both Congress and the states from conditioning the right to vote in federal elections on payment of a poll tax or other types of tax. The amendment was proposed by Congress to the states on August 27, 1962, and was ratified by the states on January 23, 1964. 10. White primaries were primary elections in the Southern States of the United States of America in which any non-White voter was prohibited from participating. 11. Shaw v. Reno was a United States Supreme Court case argued on April 20, 1993. The ruling was significant in the area of redistricting and racial gerrymandering. The court ruled in a 5-4 decision that redistricting based on race must be held to a standard of strict scrutiny under the equal protection clause. On the other hand, bodies doing redistricting must be conscious of race to the extent that they must ensure compliance with the Voting Rights Act. The redistricting that occurred after the 2000 census was the first nationwide redistricting to apply the results of Shaw v. Reno. 12. Korematsu v. United States was a landmark United States Supreme Court case concerning the constitutionality of Executive Order 9066, which ordered Japanese Americans into internment camps during World War II regardless of citizenship.In a 6-3 decision, the Court sided with the government, ruling that the exclusion order was constitutional. Six of eight Roosevelt nominees sided with Roosevelt. The lone Republican nominee, Owen Roberts dissented. The opinion, written by Supreme Court justice Hugo Black, held that the need to protect against espionage outweighed Fred Korematsu’s individual rights, and the rights of Americans of Japanese descent. (The Court limited its decision to the validity of the exclusion orders, adding, â€Å"The provisions of other orders requiring persons of Japanese ancestry to report to assembly centers and providing for the detention of such persons in assembly and relocation centers were separate, and their validity is not in issue in this proceed ing.†) During the case, Solicitor General Charles Fahy is alleged to have suppressed evidence by keeping from the Court a report from the Office of Naval Intelligence indicating that there was no evidence that Japanese Americans were acting as spies or sending signals to enemy submarines.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Leadership Qualities In the novel Lord Of The Files Essay

In the novel lord of the files both Ralph and Piggy demonstrate qualities of a leader and others that would make you think otherwise. In this essay I will evaluate how each character has leadership qualities and how they are shown in the book. Firstly Ralph demonstrates leadership qualities by taking the lead on the expedition. He immediately seems like the one in charge. He is confident, â€Å"He hastened back into the forest.† Ralph shows that he knows exactly what he is doing and is confident in his own judgement. This is a quality that leaders have, they are able to trust their own judgement and be a go-getter, Ralph shows a continuous sense of self-confidence in his actions and decisions and isn’t afraid to take a leap of faith. However, Piggy does not demonstrate this leadership quality. He is reserved and very self-conscious. He †glanced over ralphs shoulder before leaning†; this tells me that piggy is very self-conscious of peoples opinion about him. He confides in Ralph after trusting him with his name and seems like a follower. By taking the back seat in the first chapter Piggy shows us how intelligence isn’t always directly visible. Piggy is more intelligent than Ralph as Piggy comes up with suggestions that are both productive and extremely important for survival and information about the Island. â€Å"‘I expect we’ll want to know their names,’ said the fat boy, ‘and make a list. Although Ralph seems like the boy with the leadership qualities and the knowhow, Piggy comes up with probably the most important plan to get off the island. He assumes that he and Ralph could not have been the only survivors from the plane crash and quickly devises a strategy to make every one accountable for themselves. This intellectual mind-set portrayed is a leadership quality, despite it not being as obvious in him due to his withdrawn, following nature. Also, from appearance Ralph seems like a good leader. He is describes as † the fair boy†, as opposed to †the fat boy†. This is significant because the writer uses contrast to make ralph look better outwardly and arguably make Piggy look better inwardly. The novel is a question on society’s judgment on the word leader; what is a leader? is it appearance or content?. Ralph seems like the perfect man for the job. He is described as having a developing torso, putting emphasis on his physique and physical aspect and he seems a lot more fit that piggy. Ralph also doesn’t seem to have as much problems as Piggy. Piggy has Asthma, seems to have a fear of his controlling grandma and also seems to pant a considerable amount of times. Through the writer making Piggy seem like the one with the problem the effect given is that Piggy begins to show unusual leadership qualities. Piggy is a quick, calculated thinker and most of his ideas are shunned by Ralph until he supposedly ‘thought them up’. This Shows that although Ralph is ignorant in terms of praise for Piggy he does acknowledge that Piggy does come up with the ideas much quicker than him. Ralph, on the other hand demonstrates attributes that are not normally considered leadership qualities. â€Å"They used to call me ‘Piggy’. Ralph shrieked with laughter. He jumped up. ‘Piggy! Piggy!†. Ralph shows childishness in this passage which is an attribute that is not considered a leadership quality. Through Ralph’s childishness we begin to consider how important Piggy is. We see Piggy although he does not evidently look it, is a far more mature boy. He calculates and makes educated conclusion’s whereas Ralph seems to just be an adventurer and a depiction of a leader in those harsh times. As It was a time of war children would have been expected to have physical strength (to work for their guardian in the country) and mental strength. Ralph and Piggy alone do not have full leadership qualities enough to be a leader but collectively they join up to have essential skills for survival on a deserted Island

Monday, July 29, 2019

How do E. Ann Kaplan and Kaja Silverman define historical trauma Essay

How do E. Ann Kaplan and Kaja Silverman define historical trauma - Essay Example In the following, Ann and Silverman employ surrealism and realism to present different social injustices, traumas, and the impact of culture to the immediate society (Kaplan & Ban 56). Historical trauma is a possessive attribute that overcomes different people in large numbers. The fact is that, historical trauma is not a dream or a tale. It rules over emotional, psychological characters of given people in different societies. The way these different people perceive different situations and likeliness of reactions reveal the extent of historical trauma. It results from social injustices, unethical, practices at other attributes that leave permanent scars to the witnesses. In most cases, historical trauma results from genocides and massacres whereby the immediate society witnesses inhuman acts (Kaja 70). Cultural trauma in the book ‘Spellbound’ depicts the psychological distress that an individual undergoes. The haunted individuals seek consultations for salvation from th e ties of dead spirits. In the book of Spellbound, the writer narrates of a doctor and a patient who is seeking consultancy on how to handle a committed murder (Kaplan & Ban 67). Dr Constance Peterson, a psychoanalyst has the duty to help Gregory Peck out of the psychological trauma he faces after accusations recoiling over a murder case in which he is accused of involvement. She further ascertains that Gregory served the army during the Second World War and his trauma results from the turn of events in the battlefield. Drama occurs when Dr Constance slowly falls in love with the man who faces murder accusations (Kaja 78). Guilt conscience befalls the doctor; she cannot contemplate the turn of events leading to the love indulgence with a patient rather keeping it professional. Further, the problem arises that the patient at hand is a person facing murder charges and unacceptable in the society that is trying to heal from unsocial deeds that see many lose their lives to shelling of m ortars and ricocheting of guns, a period after the second world war (Kaja 98). The man reveals his haunted background in phases at a time when he lived with others in the organization, and different behaviors resulting from their different upbringings. At the long run, he reveals of the current situation, but the doctor can relate the past and the present to elaborate on the occurrence of the murder. Dr Constance realizes that she loves the convict but then feels with the society at the mention of murder. This causes her severe trauma, as she is a dilemma on whether to hide the truth or spill it to the society (Kaplan & Ban 78). In the book, ‘Let There Be Light’, the author shows how different characters are involved in imaginary thinking as their spouses and friends talk to them. In the book, men of different classes, professions, and expertise depict feminine character in their societal roles. They are more of subjection to objection as they do not show their masculin e characters or retaliation on whatever grounds arising. This causes imaginary thoughts to readers as they try to understand whether such a trait of men can happen considering it to the world we are living in. Silverman argues out that some the character traits; depict more of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

History of CTE education Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

History of CTE education - Assignment Example Learning in the program is problem-based. The students are able to get first-hand information about how to handle clinical situations. Experience gained is vital in continuing with Nursing Assistant as a career. Nurses are important members of the health care professional fraternity. Historically, very few students proceeded with their education past high school. This was a result of system failure as the students were ill prepared to continue with their education. The situation improved with the introduction of vocational training in 1914. More students could stay in school for longer period and earned additional skills. Smith-Hughes act passed in 1917 led to creation of two distinct paths for high school students (Gordon 105). One was for those who took the vocational training path while the other was pure academics. In 1994, School to Work act introduced to add more significance to the education system. The act encouraged career awareness in schools. No child left behind (NCLB) act came in 2002 that focused on academic achievement before proceeding to the colleges. With coming of CTE, students not only have academic achieved but also have skills for their

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Traditional vs Modern Architecture design in Shanghai, China Essay

Traditional vs Modern Architecture design in Shanghai, China - Essay Example which would help China connecting with the world. In the 1930s and 1940s there were only a few buildings being built in Shanghai. During 1970s due to the political unsettlement even those building that had a high traditional value were taken over by the government and given to those people who were in need of houses to live in. (Wong) In Shanghai there are two main types of traditional buildings. The first one is of government buildings or properties owned by corporate workers for example government headquarters, consulate buildings, banks, hotels etc. The other type is of residential buildings. The architecture and structure of these types of buildings were simply based on western concepts with a well-built neo-classical design which was usually found in Europe or the United States. In the old city regions residential houses were spread all over the area, this spots another type of architecture in Shanghai. Under this there were two types. The first were luxurious houses with gardens which were made for the rich, the other was small houses made for common people. High rise apartment buildings started to come into sight in Shanghai in the late 1920s as technology improved. These building usually rose to 15 storeys and had escalators for the convenience of people. (Wong) Shanghai consists of many buildings and structures of many different architectural styles. On the bank of the Huangpa River is The Bund, it contains a rich compilation of early 20th century architecture, which ranges in technique from neo-classical HSBC building to Sassoon House which is based on the theme of art deco. The French Concession which is a previous foreign concession is also well preserved. Even though there is extensive development the old city of Shanghai still holds on to buildings which are of heritage value , for example the Yuyuan Garden, a highly structured garden in the Jiangnan style. The city also consists of

Muslims in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Muslims in America - Essay Example This discovery was monumental because it revealed that Muslims had inhabited America from the beginning. The third contributor, Alexander Webb, is believed to be the first American to convert to Islam. This was recorded in 1888 and then five years later he was appointed as the first Muslim in British Parliament. 2. From the 1970s to the 1990s, the number of mosques established in America increased considerably, partly due to conversion for which the dominant number of converts are African-Americans, but also due to the influence of settlement patterns resulting from immigration. As Muslim families grew in size so did their needs for places to worship. There are now more than 1500 mosques, compared to 600 in 1980, 230 in 1960 and 19 in 1930. One of the major factors that helped the emergence of Muslim Ethnic Mosques was the article written soon after the race riots of 1967 and 1967 in Newark, NJ. The East Orange Record also reported that the East Orange Deputy Police Chief praised the Muslim population as a 'stabilizing influence' in the area, and noted 'an almost zero percent crime rate within the Islamic community. While crime rates were lower in Muslim communities, many citizens still struggled with the cultural ignorance of most Americans. They fought to make their religion understandabl e and accepted by the mainstream society. 3. 3. The initial introduction of Islam in Africa occurred in 639 A.D. when the Arabs began exploring North Africa. As the religion grew across the continent, many Africans were being brought to America. In America, for many African Americans their first exposure to Islam was because of their slave ancestry and history. Today, The African-American Muslim community is diverse and complex in its theological beliefs and the way in which Islam became a mainstay in the lives of many African Americans can be traced back to the Great Depression of the 1920s and 1930s. During this time, many African Americans migrated out of the southern states to the east in search of a better life. The eastern United States had the highest populations of Muslims at the time, and they reached out to help the African American travelers in their time of need. By recognizing African American's poor housing and economic conditions, Islamic followers in the eastern United States fought to improve the lives of the A frican Americans and their influence was lasting, with many converting to the faith and passing it on to their future generations. 4. There are several different factors influencing the race relations between African Americans and the immigrant community. African Americans have struggled and have revealed that in their living experience of Islam, it is not always singularly a manifestation of culture. Often traditional Muslims are at odd with African-American Muslims who are not binded by a singular cultural expression or see that Islam is culture itself. Many believe that the tensions also arise because African-Americans are very aware of racism and discrimination. Many African American's feel that traditional Muslims treat them as inferior due to the fact that they were not the original Muslim race. These tensions can be seen in acts of violence specifically n the San Francisco Bay area of California. Here a string of liquor store robberies have been aimed at stored owned by traditional Muslim citizens. It was soon discovered that the criminals were African American

Friday, July 26, 2019

Funding a restuarant Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Funding a restuarant - Essay Example It is not a great idea to live without emergency money that is to help when things start going south. Banks tend not to support and savvy investors may also forsake the business owner unless they see him/her taking most of the risk. Risks tend to be like a barrier to stop people who are not sure of the way forward from committing an offense though, those ready to risk tend to attain their goals. One of the reasonable ways to have a source of income is by looking for external investors. This includes partners, friends and family, individuals searching for an investment, or the entire above combination. It is very good to make sure that every partner that is brought in your table are those that bring with them something that the group is missing. This is so since not every new partner comes because he/she has money that the business may need, some come because of their abilities and services that they will render to the company. This may include: amazing bookkeeping abilities, culinary prowess, a considerable amount of experience, marketing skills, host experience, efficiency expertise, knowledge of local dining, and operations skills (Fields, 2007). Bringing name recognition; it is not necessary for a partner to come with money or some skills or qualities. It can be a plausible reason to have a partner on board because of his popularity. This may include a popular or celebrity chef who is to show you how to perform behind the house activities or even attract customers because of his popularity and quality of service. Too many chefs spoil the soup. It is common knowledge that the more partners one has, the harder to align them. One should deal with decision-making controversies before he/she seeks for sources of financing, opening the restaurant’s doors or talking of the business plans. If the partners cannot come to an agreement at this, there are fair chances that any agreement will be reached and probably should not pursue the business together. If

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Brazil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Brazil - Essay Example (CIA, 2007) Brazil has a multiethnic social structure with Roman Catholicism as the dominant religion and Portuguese as the main language. It is characterized by natural surroundings, wildlife diversity, protected habitats. It terms of demography, it is fifth most populous nation in the world and in terms of geographical area it is the fifth largest. Brazil is officially known as the Federative Republic of Brazil. (CIA, 2008) The natives of Brazil are perceived to have descended from the North Asian migrants of around 9000BC. In the beginning due to the already generated high profits from trade with India, Japan and China, Brazil did not evoke much interest in the Portugal colonists. The country was economically exploited mostly for its Brazilwood which provided the red dye. Previously they had established temporary trading establishments which ensured the trade of brazilwood but later permanent settlement ensured the setting up of sugarcane industry. The nation turned out to be agri culture based economy from where the Portuguese exported the agricultural commodities to European nations. With time the most crucial colonial product of Brazil was sugar and this remained equally important till the eighteenth century when there was a crisis as they faced competition from both Dutch and French sugar producers located close to Europe. This led to a fall in the price of sugar. Even gold production declined towards the close of the eighteenth century. The Portuguese administration still kept its integrity by sending bullions to the nation. The nation however has undergone wide scale changes overtime and currently are known as an emerging economy of the world. The changes have occurred in all dimensions including the social, economic and political scenario. Emerging Markets is a term which is used to refer to the social and economic operations of a nation which is in its way towards fast growth process and industrialization. China is currently considered to be the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Strategy Analysis For IBM Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Strategy Analysis For IBM - Research Paper Example International business machine or IBM as it is famously known as in the world is one of the fortune 500 companies which remains listed since 1900. IBM is a century old company which completed its hundred years in 2011. The IBM was formed by merging four companies namely Tabulating Machine Company, International Time Recording Company, Bundy Manufacturing Company and Computing Scale Corporation. IBM was incorporated in 1911 as Computing-Tabulating- Recording Company (CTR). Formally the work of CTR was to manufacture and sell machines, tabulators and punch cards which are to be used for the industrial and commercial purpose. One of the earliest remarkable achievements of IBM was to grow during the great depression of 1930s. Most of the companies during the great depression closed down but IBM not only managed to sustain but also grew in this period. IBM was also one of the earliest companies who provided many employee benefits like paid vacations, group life insurance and survivor bene fits. In 1932 it had its own laboratory for doing the research and development activities. Some of its initial inventions are the invention of the automatic sequence calculator and the selective sequence electronic calculator. The first large computer IBM 701 was made in 1950s. This computer was made on the basis of vacuum tubes. Another major invention of IBM during this era was the invention of FORTRAN. This is a computer language which is based on the rules of syntax, algebra and grammar. With the introduction of the computer language, IBM also manufactured the first magnetic hard disk storage system which was named as RAMAC. During 1980s and 1990s the IBM faced many revolutionary changes with the introduction of the personal computer. ... IBM is a century old company which completed its hundred years in 2011. The IBM was formed by merging four companies namely Tabulating Machine Company, International Time Recording Company, Bundy Manufacturing Company and Computing Scale Corporation. IBM was incorporated in 1911 as Computing-Tabulating- Recording Company (CTR). Formally the work of CTR was to manufacture and sell machines, tabulators and punch cards which are to be used for the industrial and commercial purpose. One of the earliest remarkable achievements of IBM was to grow during the great depression of 1930s. Most of the companies during the great depression closed down but IBM not only managed to sustain but also grew in this period. IBM was also one of the earliest companies who provided many employee benefits like paid vacations, group life insurance and survivor benefits. In 1932 it had its own laboratory for doing the research and development activities. Some of its initial inventions are the invention of the automatic sequence calculator and the selective sequence electronic calculator. The first large computer IBM 701 was made in 1950s. This computer was made on the basis of vacuum tubes. Another major invention of IBM during this era was the invention of FORTRAN. This is a computer language which is based on the rules of syntax, algebra and grammar. With the introduction of the computer language, IBM also manufactured the first magnetic hard disk storage system which was named as RAMAC. During 1980s and 1990s the IBM faced many revolutionary changes with the introduction of the personal computer. During the early 2000 IBM recognized the need of information technology and as a result it developed the e servers. In 2000s IBM also made a number of innovations in the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Australian Economy over the Last Two Years Essay

Australian Economy over the Last Two Years - Essay Example If you do not see a reference, check your original document in case there is a footnote that Viper has not detected. Viper will show a match where there is a string of 5 or more words that are the same as your work. So it will identify fragments that match, which are not necessarily plagiarism. It is important that Viper does not ignore these fragments as they draw your attention to any sentences where the writer has 'rephrased' parts of the original material (keeping the initial structure) without giving due credit. Sometimes, Viper will identify matching material that is available on websites, but which the Writer may have actually taken from somewhere else (and given proper credit for). So the fact that the work has content which matches a particular website does not mean the Writer has used that website. They may have obtained the material from another source. Viper checks for direct quotes - i.e. material included in quotation marks "like this". It will give you an overall perce ntage of words it thinks are direct quotes. Clearly, this should not be too high as work that relies too heavily on other material is not 'original'. You should also check that all the direct quotes in your paper have actually been referenced by the Writer. Overall Plagiarism Rating This is a general indication of how much matching content the scan found in your work. As a guide: Overall plagiarism rating 6% or less : Highly unlikely to contain plagiarised material. A careful check will only be necessary if this is a lengthy piece (a finding of 6% in a 15,000 word essay, for example, would be of greater concern!) Overall plagiarism rating 6 - 12% : Low risk of containing any plagiarised material. Most of the matching content will probably be fragments. Review your report for any sections that may not have been referenced properly. Overall plagiarism rating 13 - 20% : Medium risk of containing any plagiarised material. There may be sections that match websites - you need to make sure that the Writer has given proper credit for these. The scan may not have detected quotation marks or footnotes that the writer has used (for example, if they have used an opening quotation mark but failed to close it) which could explain the higher result. Check carefully. Overall plagiarism rating 21%+ : High risk of containing plagiarised material. If the overall rating is this high, you need to check your report very carefully. Don't panic - it may just be that there are a lot of matching fragments and the software has not identified all direct quotes (for example, because the Writer has used open inverted commas and not properly closed them, or has used an apostrophe rather than inverted commas for quotes. But you should go through the report very carefully to check that this is the case. Report for '586774.docx' Overall content match: 1% Direct quotes: 0% of which 0% found online. Actual content match minus quotes: 1% Macroeconomics and Microeconomics Name: Institution: Macroe conomics and Microeconomics †¦ Students Paper: †¦ and Microeconomics The Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Government has been †¦ †¦ action by the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Australian Government in response †¦ †¦ has been successful according to the data covering the last two years. In order to see this success,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Salient Features of Juvenile Justice Act, 2006 Essay Example for Free

Salient Features of Juvenile Justice Act, 2006 Essay The first central legislation on Juvenile Justice was passed in 1986, by the Union Parliament, providing a uniform law on juvenile justice for the entire country. Prior to this law each state had its own enactment on juvenile justice with there being differences in the way juveniles were treated by different state legal systems. The Juvenile Justice Act was thus passed to provide care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of neglected or delinquent juveniles and for the settlement of certain matters related to and disposition of delinquent juveniles There are certain guiding principles which need to be adhered to in the administration of juvenile justice and they form the basis on which the Act and the Rules are formed. The juvenile justice functionaries should abide by the following fundamental principles in order to understand the Act, interpret according to the situation in which the child is taken into custody and most importantly contribute to better and effective implementation of the Act. They are basically drawn from all the national and international standards pertaining to children wherein a strong impetus is given to the fulfillment and protection of the child’s rights. Emphasis is also laid on reintegration of the child into the family system to ensure proper care and protection from all kinds of exploitative situations Principles to be followed in administration of the rules: Principle of presumption of innocence Principle of dignity and worth Principle of Right to be heard: Principle of Best Interest: Principle of family responsibility: Principle of Safety (no harm, no abuse, no neglect, no exploitation and no maltreatment): Positive measures to promote well being of the child, reduce vulnerabilities and aim at development of child’s identity : Principle of non-stigmatizing semantics, decisions and actions: Principle of non-waiver of rights: Principle of equality and non-discrimination: Principle of right to privacy and confidentiality: Principle of last resort: Principle of repatriation and restoration: Principle of Fresh Start When these principles are adhered to in letter and spirit, it would certainly ensure that every child who comes into contact with the JJ System is assured safety, care, protection and justice. History of Juvenile Justice Legislations in India since 1986 and their specific provisions: 1. Juvenile Justice Act 1986 ï‚ · JJ Act was enacted in pursuance of the Beijing Rules 1985, prior to the CRC Definition of juvenile or child – 16 years for boys and 18 years for girls Children were categorized as delinquent juveniles and neglected juveniles Both categories of children were kept in an Observation Home together pending inquiry Juvenile Welfare Board was formed to deal with the neglected juveniles and the Juvenile Court was the adjudicating authority for the delinquent juvenile The neglected juveniles were in the Juvenile Home and the delinquent juveniles to the Special Home The Government of India ratified the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1992 thereby making it expedient to adhere to the standards prescribed in the Convention. Hence, the 1986 JJ Act had to be reviewed and changes had to be made in order to secure the best interest of the child and focus on social re-integration of the child without resorting to judicial proceedings. The JJ Act 1986 was repealed and the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 was passed taking into consideration all the International standards prescribed as per the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Standard Minimum Rules for the Administration of Juvenile Justice, 1985 (Beijing Rules), The UN Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency called the Riyadh Guidelines, 1990 and the United Nations Rules for the Protection of Juveniles Deprived of their Liberty (1990) 2. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 The Title of the Act stresses on the need for care and protection to both categories of children Uniform age for both boys and girls – any child who has not completed the age of 18 fall within the jurisdiction of the Act to comply with the CRC definition of the child Separation of child in need of care and protection and child in conflict with law Constitution of Child Welfare Committees to deal with children in need of care and protection and Juvenile Justice Boards to handle children in conflict with law The category of children in need of care and protection has been expanded to include victims of armed conflict, natural calamity, civil commotion, child who is found vulnerable and likely to be inducted into drug abuse More legal protection assured for the child in conflict with law – detention to be resorted to as the last option, disqualification of past records and privacy maintained The innovation the law makes with respect to children in need of care and protection is the conceptualization of restoration of the child as being the focal point, with restoration being conceptualized as restoration to parents, adopted parents or foster parents. (Sec39). The law outline four options of restoration for children in children’s homes and special homes which include adoption, foster care, sponsorship and after care 3. The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Amendment Act, 2006 The JJ Act 2000 was subsequently amended and hereafter referred to as the Principal Act The Amendment Act brought about 26 amendments which are in force This Act forms the legal system and framework for the care, protection, treatment and rehabilitation of children of both categories i. The Objective of the Act: To Lay Down A Legal Structure For The Juvenile Justice System In The Country To Provide A Special Approach To The Protection And Treatment Of Juveniles To outline the machinery and infrastructure required for the care, protection, treatment, development and rehabilitation of juveniles To establish norms and standards for administration of juvenile justice To establish linkages and co-ordination between the formal system of juvenile justice and voluntary efforts in the welfare of juveniles To constitute special offences in relation to juveniles and provide punishment. ii. Salient features of JJA: 1. a. The Act known as ‘The Reformatory Act’ deals with two categories of children, namely children in need of care and protection and children in conflict with the law. b. The competent authority to deal with children in need of care and protection is the Child Welfare Committee which constitutes a Chairperson and four other members, one of whom atleast should be a woman. Chapter IV of this Module would focus in detail about Children in need of care and protection and the functioning of the CWC in rehabilitation and disposition of cases c. Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) is the competent authority to deal with children in conflict with law which comprises of three members. The Chairperson of the Board should be a First Class Judicial Magistrate and two honorary social workers out of whom atleast one should be a woman. Special provisions for children in conflict with law and the responsibilities of the Board are discussed in detail in Chapter III of this Module. 2. The Act provides for the establishment of various kinds of Institutions such as Children’s Home for the reception of child in need of care and protection. Special Homes for the reception of child in conflict with law Observation Homes which are meant for the temporary reception of children during the pendency of any inquiry. After-care Organizations which are meant for the purpose of taking care of children after they have been discharged from Children’s Home or Special Homes. 3. A few sections in the Act (Sec 23 – 26) are focused on the offences committed by anyone against a child such as assault, causing mental or physical suffering and employment of a child which are considered as non bailable offences. iii. Rules under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 (56 of 2000) and the Amendment Act 33 of 2006): The Ministry of Women and Child Development at New Delhi, the 26th day of October, 2007 notified the Model Rules under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2000 and the Amendment Act 2006 to be administered by the States for better implementation and administration of the provisions of the Act in its true spirit and substance. These rules called the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Rules, 2007 has come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette and these Rules will be conformed to until the concerned State Government formulates Rules specific for the State with effect to implementation of the JJ Act. The Act in Section 68 prescribes various areas wherein the Rules can be applied to for better implementation of the Act, specifically with management of the homes, standards to be adhered to, roles and responsibilities of the JJ functionaries, procedures and functioning of the competent authorities, rehabilitation mechanism and operation of JJ Fund. It is recommended that the Act is implemented in line with the Rules to promote better understanding of the Act in order to benefit the children who come in contact with the JJ System.

Scanning The Environment Essay Example for Free

Scanning The Environment Essay Business organizations, especially those dealing with particular industry must encounter situation where the success of their operations depend on both internal and external factors. The situation suggests that it is useful to carry out an analysis that takes into account not only the company’s internal factors but also external factors such as activities of the company’s competitors and current industry situation as well. In many cases, the elaboration of internal and external environment of particular industry must be elaborated by using business analysis tools that specifically discuss internal and external factors the businesses. Some common business analysis tools include Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT analysis, BCG Matrix, PESTLE analysis, Value Chain analysis, and many others. Some of them deal with both internal and external factors while others only address one of them. Concerning the analysis of internal and external factors in an organization, this paper will develop strategic development of Airbus by using analysis of Strategic Factors, which is based on IFAS and EFAS factors. The others are strategic alternatives and recommended strategy, implementation, and evaluation and control of the recommendation. 1.Analysis of Strategic Factors The strategic analysis on the Airbus includes all that encloses a business’s marketing purpose. Business environment in this term can be described as the whole thing that enfolds in the Airbus system. With the intention of being successful, and as the players in the environment cannot be managed by the Airbus, the Airbus be obliged to observe the environment for transforms and incessantly become accustomed to them. The Airbus’s environment can be separated into the micro environment and the macro environment (â€Å"Introduction to Hot Topics in Marketing†, 1999). In airline industry, the analysis of strategic factors involves two major issues; they are capacity and quality. In terms of capacity, Airbus Company recognizes their strength and their competitive advantage the customer value the most. Meanwhile, regarding the quality factors, the airline continues practicing ethical standards and keeps honoring their commitments. The company is found to improve quality of services in order to delight customer, employee, and community satisfaction. Delighted customers are important elements of the company’s success. To e specific, below is the specific elaboration of internal and external factors analysis that Airbus Company experiences. 1.1.Internal Factors Analysis Summary The internal analysis illustrates factors/issues that impinge on The Airbus straightforwardly (â€Å"Assessing the Micro-Environment†, 2006), which can be elaborate through following factors: 1.1.1.Organizational structure Airbus is managed by an Executive Committee led by President and Chief Executive Officer Christian Streiff and appointed by the Shareholders Committee, which consists of five members from EADS and two from BAE Systems. Each member of the Executive Committee has responsibility to manage core functions and strategy in his field. There are four General Managers; each has geographical responsibilities representing four countries where Airbus exists; the countries are France, Germany, Spain and the UK, while the subsidiaries in China and Japan are each headed by a President and in North America by a Chairman.   Currently, Airbus Company employs a hierarchical, ridged, and semi autocratic management style. Airbus Company must change their organization culture and structure in order to maintain and build on its worldwide dominate position as a major producer of commercial jet aircraft. 1.1.2 Coordination Airbus Company regards skills, strengths, and perspectives of their diverse team as the most import things to sustain the company’s growth. Therefore, the airline continues encouraging an atmosphere that encourages employees to involve in decision making. In every way, Airbus Company is executing the strategy. Airbus Company is running healthy core businesses. They are experiencing strong growth in adjacent businesses such as aerospace services. Moreover, Airbus Company has exhibited that the company is well-prepared to make tough decisions to make sure real leadership in the aerospace industry extensively to come. 1.1.3. Supervision Poor vertical and horizontal communications within the Airbus Company make employees feel separated from the staff management of the company. Grass battles restrain cross-functional and cross-divisional communication. Airbus Company has labor problems. 1.1.4. Training Airbus Company realizes that their most important resource is their staffs. The staff is the people who work and manage the company’s products and service to the customers.   That is why Airbus Company gives them the right combination of skills, training, communications, environment, and leadership. Beside Airbus Company provides a safe workplace and protects the environment, they also promote the health and well-being of the staffs and their families. 1.2. External Factors Analysis Summary The external factors describe issues that a company like Airbus has a little influence but affect the company severely. It includes universal tendencies and powers that possibly will not directly influence the links that Airbus has with their consumers, suppliers and mediators. Furthermore, Airbus separates the macro-environment into many sections, as the following: 1.2.1.   Economical factors One major external factor is an aircraft manufacturer like Airbus is prone to the political and economical situation. According to a research and observation, it is found that airline companies’ growth has a very close connection to economic growth and trade, which in turn prevent airlines from buying new airplanes from Airbus and other aircraft manufacturers. For example the gulf war in 1990s has damped the airline industry as the war resulted worldwide economic recession. In the era, IATA’s member airlines suffered $20.4 billion losses within 1990 to 1994 (â€Å"The Airline Industry†). The 9/11 tragedy has give the economy a significant down phase, especially the airline industry which has a direct involvement in the tragedy. Almost all airlines suffer losses during the following periods of the incident. Safety and security concerns have been major discussion topics on government bodies, business firms and common society in general.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Roles of Windows Server 2012

Roles of Windows Server 2012 Margaret Webb Edition Idea for High level feature-comparison Licensing Model Memory Limits Foundation Costs-efficient all around server Essential server functionality without virtualization rights Server (Limited to 15 users) 32 GB Ram Essentials Environments in small companies Essential server functionality without virtualization rights Server (Limited to 25 users) 64 GB ram Standard Non-virtualized or lightly virtualized environments All features, with two virtual instances Processor + CAL* 4 TB Ram Datacenter Highly-virtualized private cloud management All features are unlimited virtual instances Processor + CAL* 4 TB Ram #2 A private cloud facilitating arrangement, otherwise called an interior or undertaking cloud, lives on organizations intranet or facilitated server farm where the greater part of your information is secured behind a firewall. Public cloud facilitating arrangement. Your information is put away in the suppliers server farm and the supplier is in charge of the administration and upkeep of the server farm. This kind of cloud condition is speaking to many organizations since it decreases lead times in testing and sending new items. Nonetheless, the downside is that many organizations feel security could need with an open cloud. Despite the fact that you dont control the security of an open cloud, the greater part of your information stays isolate from others and security breaks of open mists are uncommon. VDI stands for Virtual desktop infrastructure which has a desktop working framework on a concentrated server in a server farm. VDI is a minor departure from the customer server registering model, some of the time alluded to as server-based processing. 1) Pooled assets: This implies we manage assets at a total level as opposed to at the level of individual servers. The cloud uncovered a pool of limit with regards to use by administrations that require the limit, and this deliberation decouples the virtualized workloads from the physical framework, permitting dynamic workload arrangement and autonomous foundation administration. 2) Self-Service: In the cloud demonstrate, benefit purchasers can utilize a self-benefit involvement, regularly an electronic entrance, to get to the limit they have been assigned, self-arrangement workloads from standing up a solitary VM to sending a perplexing administration, and deal with the life cycle of those workloads. 3) Elasticity: Cloud Elasticity implies that the framework can bolster the changing needs of the association, sending new administrations as required, distributing more assets to administrations that experience overwhelming burden or de-allotting assets to spare power when the heap is light. With cross-cloud administration, workloads can likewise move amongst private and open mists, giving additional limit, geo-scale reach, or different qualities as required. 4) Usage Based: In the cloud show, clients are charged or if nothing else get educated on their cloud asset utilization in light of their genuine asset utilization #3 Resilient File System (ReFS), codenamed Protogon, is a Microsoft exclusive record framework presented with Windows Server 2012 with the goal of turning into the people to come document framework after NTFS. The reason you would utilize it is helps you store and ensure information, paying little mind to the dependability of the basic equipment and programming stack. This limits the cost of capacity and lessens capital uses for organizations. You can convey a Windows Server 2012 R2 document server connected to an only a cluster of plates (JBOD) stockpiling setup with Serial ATA (SATA) or Serially Attached SCSI (SAS) drives. Also, the arrangement could incorporate failover grouping where the client sends a scale-out, two-hub record server bunch with Storage Spaces, where the group utilizes a mutual JBOD stockpiling design with SAS drives #4 Server Roles: !) Active Directory Certificate Services 2) Active Directory Domain Services The primary Windows Server 2012/R2 part that I would introduce on a server for a small assembling organization is the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) part. The reason I would introduce this part on small assembling organizations server is because it permits the Windows Server 2012/R2 go about as a space controller. This is valuable for the assembling organization since it handles confirmation and approval for every one of the workers that are in a Windows area condition. The second Windows Server 2012/R2 part Active Directory Certificate Services (AD CS) gives adjustable administrations to issuing and overseeing endorsements in programming security frameworks that utilization open key advances. For foundation data about open key cryptography and the advantages of having an open key framework (PKI), You can utilize AD CS to make at least one affirmation specialists (CA) to get testament demands, check the data in the solicitations and the character of the requester, issue endorsements, renounce declarations, and distribute authentication denial information. #5 Server Core establishments require around 4 GB less space than a Server with a GUI establishment. By utilizing Server Core establishments on virtual machines, you can accomplish a huge space funds by not storing the GUI records on the virtual machines plate. Servers frequently have nearly a lot of memory and complex plate clusters, both of which can set aside a lot of opportunity to instate at startup. Since Server Core establishments limit the quantity of restarts required for updates, the recurrence at which plate clusters and memory must be re-introduced is lessened. Certain server applications have conditions on specific Windows administrations, libraries, applications, and records that are not accessible in Server Core establishments, but rather the manager needs to exploit the decreased requirement for refreshing commonplace of Server Core establishments. The Minimal Server Interface offers extra similarity while as yet keeping up a diminished framework impression (however to a lesser degree than a Server Core establishment). Highlights on Demand can be utilized to diminish the impression for your virtual machine organizations by evacuating parts and components that will never be sent in your virtual machines. Contingent upon the parts and elements utilized as a part of your virtual machines, it is conceivable to lessen the size by more than 1 GB. Diminished adjusting, Since Server Core introduces just what is required for a reasonable DHCP, File, DNS, Media Services, and Active Directory server, less adjusting is required. Decreased administration, since less is introduced on a Server Core-based server, less administration is required. Decreased assault surface Since there is less running on the server, there is less assault surface. Less plate space required Server Core requires around 3.4GB to introduce. More noteworthy solidness. Since a Server Core establishment has less running procedures and administrations than a Full establishment, the general dependability of Server Core is more noteworthy. Less things can turn out badly, and less settings can be designed mistakenly. Disentangled administration. Since there are less things to oversee on a Server Core establishment, its less demanding to arrange and bolster a Server Core establishment than a Full one-once you get the hang of it.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Essay --

Anthony Burgess once said that â€Å"The important thing is moral choice. Evil has to exist along with good, in order that moral choice may operate. Life is sustained by the grinding opposition of moral entities.† In his dystopian novella, Burgess discusses the topic of free will and reinforces the notion of moral choice and having the freedom to choose either good or evil. Alex starts off inherently evil, committing horrendous acts of terror, only to reveal change in the final chapter of the novel when he abandons the status quo and begins searching for a new life, one with a wife and a son of his own. Alex’s personal transformation results in a newfound freedom, which is attributed to the idea that goodness is genuine only when it is chosen, and that without moral choice man ceases to be man, but instead, he is rendered into a â€Å"clockwork orange†, a deterministic mechanism. Alex, the protagonist, becomes the first subject of Ludovico’s Technique, a rehabilitation method imposed by the state that causes a person to only commit acts of goodness. In a 1986 essay, Burgess writes, â€Å"If [a person] can only perform good or only perform evil, then he is a clockwork orange- meaning that he has the appearance of an organism lovely with colour and juice but is in fact only a clockwork toy to be wound up by God or the Devil or (since this is increasingly replacing both) the Almighty State.† Alex believes that humans are born and destined to be evil, needing societal pressures and education to become good. Alex does not view his inclination for evil as a result of his environment; rather, the dystopian setting is a result of his actions and the actions of other wrongdoers. Therefore, Alex can be seen as a victim of Original Sin, the Christian idea ... ...ho has desires to overthrow the government, ultimately uses Alex, who brutality raped his wife and led to her eventual death, as a sacrificial lamb for his own political agenda. Even the cats belonging to the old cat-lady, who Alex kills in his excursion to the Manse get reimbursed by taking all of Alex’s things. Alex is imprisoned to his past, until he assumes all responsibility for his former actions, and once he has paid the price for them, he is able to discover the newfound freedom that comes with personal growth and maturity. His desire for happiness: a loving wife, a son of his own, and a role in the working-class society, culminates in his transformation from a inherently evil child to a rational, good human being. (the 21st, which is significant, as the right to vote in Britain was granted at the age of 21 and is seen as a rite of passage into adulthood).

Friday, July 19, 2019

Escher :: essays research papers

Escher   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  For my art piece I chose M.C. Escher’s â€Å"Eight Heads† from 1922. It depicts eight different heads that all form from each other. One of Escher’s many styles was to make images that form other images inside themselves. â€Å"Eight Heads† show 2 faces that could be considered evil or the devil. It has four different women in the piece and the pattern of position of the heads is more prevalent here than with any other head. The last two figures are the heads of two men wearing hats of the style worn at the time. These two heads and two of the four female heads and staring right at you. The other four heads are flipped, so that they are upside when you see it in a book. Escher always had a way of incorporating many images into a small area by flipping certain images and making every two or four images form another single or two images. Most of Escher’s works are black and white; some are in beautiful real color though. I guess yo u could call him a surrealist, but all of his work is different. Some are scenic landscapes, others are odd images of himself or another person and some are geometric shapes. Through every piece there is a hint, or a statement in some cases, of symmetry.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   My personal opinion of the piece is that it’s appealing to the eye first off, with its black and white and flipped images. A second look gives you and idea about the period of the painting. I liked it first for its sweeping lines that connect the faces. I also like the way he appeals to all angles. He’s got the image of devils bleeding into sophisticated women. I like the way that his paintings can be taken and translated into so many different meanings. I interpret the faces as representing hell and how close sin is to life. There are two devil men and two straight men. So might there be two devil women and also two straight women? My answer is yes, two of the women are evil. This is what I like about the piece, it’s shows secrets to those who can think or dream of them. The devil is easier to see in the men than it is in the women. Maybe this is what Escher is trying to say through this piece.

Military Justice System in the United States Essay -- Law

When one joins the United States military, one becomes subject to a completely new justice system. While the primary purpose of the United States justice system is to dispense "justice," that is not the primary reason for the creation of a separate justice system for America's Armed Forces. The primary purpose of the military's system is to provide the military commander with necessary tools to enforce good order and discipline. That's why, for example, it's not considered a "crime" to be late for work at your civilian job, but it is a "crime" to be late for work in the Military. The purpose then is to keep soldiers acting as soldiers so the correctional philosophy in the military has evolved in such a way to do just that. In discussing the UCMJ and corrections, the following topics are significant. Introduction and History of the UCMJ Counseling and Corrective Training Non-Judicial punishment in the UCMJ Courts Martial in the UCMJ Introduction and History of the UCMJ The Uniform Code of Military Justice is a federal system of laws created by congress in 1950. The UCMJ replaces the Articles of War that had been the justice system since 1789. The UCMJ is the foundation for justice in the United States Military. The UCMJ has had several major revisions to keep with the times; two such revisions came in 1968, and 1983. The UCMJ may also be referred to as United States Code, Title 10, Subtitle A, Part II, Chapter 47. The Uniform Code of Military Justice otherwise known as the UCMJ exists to keep disciplne and order in the military. (Powers, Military Justice 101) The UCMJ resembles civilian laws in many ways. It has laws that address stealing, burglary, alcohol, and many others a kin to civilian laws. The di... ...nt behavior in the military. References Department of the Army. (2002) AR 21-10 Military Justice. Washington D.C.: United States Army Publishing Authority. Department of the Army. (1992) FM 21-1 Legal Guide For Commanders. Washington D.C.: United States Army Publishing Authority. Department of the Army. (2002) Manual for Courts-Martial. Washington D.C.: United States Army Publishing Authority. Powers, R. (n.d.). Nonjudicial Punishment. Retrieved February 13, 2005, from Powers, R. (n.d.). Military Justice 101. Retrieved February 13, 2005, from

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dramatic Monologue Essay

Black, black, black, that is all I can see. My cold, legs froze as I attempted to walk forward through the icy mist of the darkness. The darkness didn’t frighten me, my eyes focused on the beam of light that reflected of the tips of my shoes. To take my mind off the thought of being alone, I closed my eyes, and thought of what I could be here for. I continued to close my eyes but the idea of being alone made it hard to concentrate. The air around me felt lifeless, I clenched my fist, to give me the feeling as if someone else was here with here with me. I could only hear the accelerated speed at which my heart was beating. I have never felt like this since I was in high school, when I tried out for the school cross country team. My legs became stiffer than they were before. I bit my tongue and drew back a breath; relieving myself of the pain I could feel riding up the sides of my legs. The pain then became too much for myself to handle, I bit my tongue harder and harder as the pain got worse. Suddenly the pain was gone and the feeling of relief over whelmed me. I sat on the floor, the beam sat beside me; it seemed the light was my only source of comfort in dark. My memory of home, the place I once was, is hazy but kept me from losing touch with reality. The thoughts of Catherine waiting for me after work and Beatrice preparing dinner on the stove warmed my heart. But not all my memories were like this, they were once filled with fear and disappointment. Back home, in Sicily, I once had dreams of coming to America and living the American dream, which the people of my village used to speak of. But being the oldest it was hard to be positive, and living in house for 3 with a family of 8 didn’t help either. My village was poor because of the war so it made it harder for people to find work. While my father worked during the day, as a fisherman, I and the other children played in fields behind my house. The feelings I experienced playing in the fields were nothing like feelings I felt at home. I laid on my back, head pumping as though I had been trying to study last minute for a test. The gash on my chest, which was oddly shaped like an ear, was stinging under the pressure of my shirt. I tried to remember what I had thought about before the pain kicked in. The dream of me dying felt so real†¦. there was me on the floor surrounded by people I knew †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ I thought harder†¦. there people from around the block, and some I have never seen before†¦.. and the warm voice†¦. the voice of Beatrice stood out from the rest. I thought harder and tried to remember what was going on †¦.. all I could remember was the sound of people screaming my name and a pool of blood, that was spread from the bottom of my stairs to the side of the pavement. I was then clear of what I was here for. I stood up, tore the picture of Katie I had around my neck and tossed it into the light. The light then vanished and it became completely dark. It was her †¦ Katie†¦ she is the reason why I’m here. It was wrong, the feelings I felt for her that is the reason I’m here. I was supposed to look after her not fall in love with her. The jealousy I felt when I saw her with Rodolfo drove me to become this way it was the thought of her being taken away from me really got to me. But I can’t put the blame on him. It was me. All me. I laid back on my back, closed my eyes and laid completely still. If I was to wake and find myself in the pits of hell I wouldn’t be surprised. But if I were to wake up, wrapped in the arms of my love, I would take my own life then and there. So that my family could live on happy and not have to worry about how I could screw up their lives. This is the gift I give to you, my family a life to live without the thought of me.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Customer feedback Essay

The purpose of this field of study is help Dave Smith, the General Manager of the catchment area Hotel Auckland to improve the hotels current client rapture measurement scheme by comparing a range of messvas methods and root ons the virtu every(prenominal)y appropriate comply design for the hotel. The consecrate-up is broken down to deuce sections. The first section fixates node contentment and articulates the importance of bill node satisfaction. section one as well as compares the functions of CSQs and and introduces the subject digest method to the enclosure Hotel.The second firearm of the typography makes measures of underlying movement and dispersal and presents calculations from the client canvass spreadsheet postd. Based on warmheartednessmary table 1.1, the herald shortly describes what the calculations mean to the hotel and produced a short pass. The report is produced with several limitations, which need to be turn to an d overcome for prospective search. The testimony make to Landmark Hotel under the first depart, regarding the or so appropriate research method was selected found on one of only ii options. Further, since there is no tired ship adviseal to per chance variable mental ability abstract, the report evidently presented what appeared to be the most logical procedure. Finally, the recommendation regarding inbred marketing was much verbalise due to word limits.PART ADefining client SatisfactionCustomer satisfaction has been a topic of neat importance in occupationpractices. in that respect is an overwhelming amount of outcome definitions characterising client satisfaction, many of which brace not in fourth dimension been empirically tested. accord to Yi (1993), virtually academics and practitioners define customer satisfaction from an outcome-based approach. Alternatively, other perceives and defines customer satisfaction as a process.Engel and Blackwell (1982) delin eate customer satisfaction as an valuation that the chosen alternative is consis 10t with earlier beliefs with respect to the alternative (p. 501). This definition is comparable with(predicate) with the disconfirmation theory, which proposes that guests are either satisfied or dissatisfied based on their expectations foregoing and subsequent to the purchase of the actual usefulness experience. In this section, we are particularly have-to doe with with the importance of measuring stick customer satisfaction. Fortunately, this school principal can be answered right off development the portion-profit range of a function. The value-profit chain is simply a marriage offer of a series of linkages amid profitability, customer loyalty, and employee satisfaction, loyalty, and productivity (Heskett, Jones, Loveman, Sasser & Schlesinger, 1994, p. 164).Customer satisfaction represents a crucial role in the overhaul-profit chain because satisfaction is fundamentally a trope one wood of customer loyalty (retention, repeated business and referrals), which directly impacts the profitability of a hospitality firm. Customer satisfaction is extremely pregnant because it produces word-of-mouth, reduces ope rating overheads and facilitates price premiums (Denove & Power, 2006). Hospitality firms forever and a day look for more(prenominal) effective ways to measure customer satisfaction. Managers try to give greater accuracy in survey outcomes and use them to reliably address the gaps between localises visions and the customers necessarily.Comparing Data Collection Methods thickening Feedback FormsGuest feedback forms, exposition cards or customer satisfaction questionnaires (CSQs) are shit tools apply by most hotels for measuring customer satisfaction. Barsky (1992) stated two major(ip) disadvantages of guest observe cards, poor perform robustness poor statistical validity (Barsky, 1992,p. 51). Yesawich (1978) also hypothetically considered CSQs as more often than not, unreliable and statically invalid (p, 72). Barsky (1992) boost argues that guest comment cards whitethorn indicate customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction and related trends, but generally does not provide sufficient information for decision-making. Poria (2004) defined several key advantages of using CSQs during guest complaints. Poria claimed that asking the guest to fill in CSQ would allow the staff extra time to resolve the problem and calms the guest.Tripadvisor.comIn coincidence with CSQs, is an online interaction platform. Unlike the majority of valued methods, online customer canvass often articulate psychological changes of the hotel guests. According to Li, Ye and Law (2012), online revaluations are more likely to convey guests true tinctureings, which make up for the lacking(p) information that was not captured by guest surveys. and other eWOM platforms allow managers to interact with the guests, form one-to-o ne dialogues and perform soft content abstract.Content abbreviation is a authoritative and objective approach to make conclusion from written information (DowneWamboldt, 1992). Like all qualitative research methods, content abstract is concerned with meanings and contextual aspects of a service experience. Content compendium can be described as an intensive geographic expedition of a single customer review and typically, managers look for rich and vivid descriptions in the review, sort of than generalised noesis. However, content compend and comparable qualitative research methods may lack scientific validity. Thus, it is difficult for managers to make reliable generalisations from a confined example size.Research Methods and DesignThe Landmark Hotel needs to go beyond measuring performances and vex to understand perceptions and gain practical and context-dependent knowledge relating to specific guest experiences. I recommend the Landmark Hotel to focus on qualitative content psychoanalysis. Content analysis can be performed on online guest reviews as well as guest comment cards. Additionally, I recommend the use of unrestricted question in guest comment cards in order to provide greater insights to the guests feelings (Lukas, Hair, crotch hair & Ortinau, 2005). According to Guthrie and Abeysekera (2006), content analysis requires a randomly selected sample, all the way defined criteria of analysis and a systematic info potpourri method, so that statistical analysis of the data can be performed. DowneWamboldt (1992) proposed an eight yard procedure that the researcher should follow when conducting content analysis.These steps can be briefly described as 1) selecting unit of analysis, 2) delimit the categories, 3) defining the categories, 4) testing for reliableness and validity, 5) define or revise cryptanalysis rules, 6) pre-testing the rewrite category schemes 7) data coding and 8) reassessing reliability and validity. According Marko vi and Raspor (2010), reliability of content analysis can be improved by developing coders for similar contents. Data coding allow researchers to measure frequency and character by tabulations, compute measures of central tendency and dispersion, test for difference, association and interdependence by performing t-tests and chi-square analysis using SPSS applications. consolidationAfter the results have been analysed and interpreted, the researcher can choose to integrate and present the research outcomes within the hotel using an analytical report that is credible and believable. The report clearly defines the research problem/issue and the research methodology, which clearly articulates the objectives of the research, the research design apply, descriptions of samples and the sampling methods and the how data are analysed. The results section is the most grave section. This section should retrovert presentations of findings that are relevant to the research problem. The repor t should also contain a conclusion section, a recommendation and a limitation section which illustrates rectangular events that place certain restrictions on the report (Lukas, et al., 2005, p. 557).PART BCalculations and Definitions of MeasurementsConsidering the guest survey spreadsheet, I have calculated the measures of central tendency and dispersion for each behavioral intention scale. For measures of central tendency, I have computed the mean, average and mode respectively. These measures are used as data reduction, which describes the exercise of responses through a single value. The mean is the arithmetic average of the sample (Lukas et al., 2005, p. 436). The mean is derived from the sum of all set pertained from the responses and divided by the exact number of valid responses.The median is the middle value of a rank-ordered dispersal (Lukas et al., 2005, p. 436). The mode is defined as the most common value in the set of responses to a question (Lukas et al., 2005, p. 436). Standard parenthesis is a measure of dispersion. It is defined as the average distance of the scattering values from the means (Lukas et al., 2005, p. 438). The Excel function which I have used to compute the exemplar deviation of the data given was STDEV.S. STDEV.S estimates ideal deviation from a sample rather than the entire population.The guest survey spreadsheet provided a number of intention statements aimed to obtain some ideas about guest experiences for certain aspects of the hotel. The management hoped to explore the guests intend demeanors as much as attainable and the likelihood that guests will demonstrate certain behaviour towards staying at the hotel in the predictable future. Table 1.1 shows that first and second rating scale demonstrated a trim back average value in analogy with other rating scales. Evidently, service standard and staff competence to make guests feel accustomed during their stays did not couple the required expectations. Question eight also shows that on average, guests would not recommend the Landmark Hotel to others.RecommendationsI postulate that service part could be a major contributory factor to declines in booking rates. According to Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry (1985), there are ten determinants of service feel competence, courtesy, reliability, responsiveness and instinct are five relatively all-important(a) determinants directly influenced by staff. Additionally, empathy and assurance are additional components of service quality directly determined by hotel personnel, as proposed in the SERVQUAL scale (Parasuraman et al., 1988). For the purpose of restoring and improving service quality, I recommend an adjustment of focus onto sexual marketing activities.According to George and Gronroos (1991), inborn market of employees is best motivated for service-mindedness and customer-oriented behaviour by a marketing-like approach, where marketing-like activities are used infixedly (p. 86). Inte rnal marketing is essentially a process of building a customer-oriented culture through training and achieving internal satisfaction. Internal marketing implies a number of activities besides training utilisation. Take, for example, regularly assessing internal satisfaction, empowerment, and the provision of adequate supervisory support, frank communication policies and the development of a backbreaking reward system all forms part of internal marketing activities that seeks to achieving continuous quality improvements.ReferencesBarsky, J. D. (1992). Customer satisfaction in the hotel industriousness meaning and measurement. ledger of Hospitality & tourism Research, 16(1), 51-73. Denove, C. & Power, J. D. (2006). Satisfaction How every great corporation listens to the voice of the customer. New York, NY Portfolio. Downe-Wamboldt, B. (1992). Content analysis method, applications, and issues. Health care for women international, 13(3), 313-321. Engel, J. F., & Blackwell, R. D. (19 82). Consumer behavior. New York, NY Hole, Rinehard and Winston. George, W. R., & Gronroos, C. (1989). growing customer-conscious employees at every level internal marketing. Handbook of services marketing, 29-37. Guthrie, J., & Abeysekera, I. (2006).Content analysis of social, environmental reporting what is new?. ledger of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 10(2), 114-126. Heskett, J. L., & Schlesinger, L. A. (1994). position the service-profit chain to work. Harvard business review, 72(2), 164-174. Li, H., Ye, Q., & Law, R. (2012). Determinants of customer satisfaction in the hotel industry An application of online review analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Tourism Research, (ahead-of-print), 1-19. Lukas, B. A., Hair, J. F., Bush, R. P., Ortinau, D. J. (2005). merchandise research. North Ryde, NSW McGraw-Hill Australia Pty Limited. Markovic, S., & Raspor, S. (2004). Measuring perceived service quality using SERVQUAL a nerve study of the Croatian hotel industry. Management, 5( 3), 195-209. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. & Berry, L.L. (1985). A conceptual model of service quality and implications for future research. Journal of Marketing, 49, Fall, 41-50. Parasuraman, A., Zeithaml, V.A. & Berry, L.L. (1988). SERVQUAL a multiple-item scale for measuring consumer perceptions of service quality. Journal of Retailing, Spring, 12-40.Poria, Y. (2004). Employees interference with the distribution of guest satisfaction questionnaires. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 16(5), 321-324. Yesawich, P. C. (1978). Post-opening marketing analysis for hotels. Cornell Hotel and Restaurant Administration Quarterly, 19(3), 70-81. Yi, Y. (1993). The antecedents of consumer satisfaction The lead role of ambiguity. Advances in Consumer Research, 20, 502506.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Devoted Son

Devoted Son

Analytical essay In the story â€Å"The devoted son† by Anita Desai. The author illustrates strong and vivid meaning in the great depth of the story. The Author portrays a truth. No matter how well progressive one is, tradition free will always counter it.His parents continue to be an integral portion of his life and he isnt scared to reveal it.We can’t have this happening again. †(Desai, 79). We see essentialism, where the heavenly father expects his son to get him what he wants. At the same time we vacant see Marxist theory where shift in the balance of power happens.You smile, and the remainder of apply your entire body will catch on.

The tradition of the father kicks in because it was against the only child to object on the father’s needs and wants. The essentialism here is clear. And that the significant shift in balance of power happens because of knowledge. Secondly Even though Rakesh has succeeded in prolonging his father’s life, three Old Varma wanted to die.It is tricky to describe the sensation.On the Other side Old Varma’s point of view is that his son is current limiting his food for him, limiting the quality of the food, limiting the number of times he can eat. Rakesh rejects his father’s desires, where Varma sees it as torture. He complains to his neighbour about that.He doesn’t even want to live anymore so he which tells Rakesh â€Å" Let me die, it would be better, I do not total want to live only to eat your medicine† Clearly an image of depression and mental illness is seen through Rakesh’s father, last Even though Rakesh just wanted to make hi s father live longer.Rogers life has been full of love due to his family members and friends.

Dalymple. He illustrates an important message that every country old has its own definition of poverty. Corruption has started by the government. â€Å"Theyll find her a new flat.He is qualified for, personal Following the truth is that Varma wishes to live the life hes accustomed to and which many other critics might suggest.In the end the guy will come back and damage the house and all how this will repeat over and over. One of the literary devices in this quote is sarcasm. â€Å"†¦because its unacceptable poverty in this day and age to live without them. [ furniture, television, and refrigerator]† The author sarcastically expresses his opinion on poverty in UK.My husband and Ive been married for over 35 decades.

They get spoiled by luxury. Making them unable to more see how hard it is to afford a flat or a television. This quote also what has situational irony. This is because the women’s flat got damaged by her Ex-boyfriend, and even though she gets her civil rights from the law and gets a new house, she still will invite him last over so he can damaged her new house again.My dad is still in shock at the moment, she explained.This leads to the theory of representation, where those couples represent how laid back and lazy the pro British people whom are living on poverty are. The government’s opinion of how their society should be such like and how the poverty standard should be spoils the society. Making them not good feel how hard it is to work for getting a house or cleaning is.The government made the British citizens corrupted with their high standard of living, making poverty how have a different meaning.Ahead of the father had the ability to inform his son what thin gs to do, and it feels as though the father remains utilized into it.

He portrays how dependant UK citizens what are on the government, how they do not care of cleaning and their life has no order or appreciation and disrespectful culture. This shows Discrimination theory of difference.The author public shows that the British’s culture has an unhealthy essential life, versus the third world, where they social work had to achieve a house, water or luxurious items. Narrator talks about the struggle going on to achieve a house.The families had lots of admiration.While as UK’s poverty has a very high standard, the citizens do not know how hard it is to live, and they abuse the laws. Therefore every country what has it is own definition of poverty. In the documentary â€Å"Ban into Brothers†, Briski gives her view on an extremely important message. This message is that parents and society are the major influences on a childs future.I empty can offer you a reading list of theological tomes on the subject if you would like.

On the other hand, Avijit is a particular drug addict (hash). Basically, Avijit is living in the very lowest class. He has no home, wired and education is not easy for him. Avijit says: â€Å"We dont have enough time to live let alone to study.Talk about how the both of youd like decision making to perform the job.Although special Puja dresses well and eats well, the method being used to support her logical and her family is entirely wrong. This leads to the analytical theory of commodotisation. Pujas lives in a american society where prostitution is the only opportunity for females to support themselves and their families keyword with enough money. This is evident when Pujas family pulls her out of school early in order to make more money, sooner, to better support their family.Though a brief short story is generally written in recognizable sentences, a poem is made up of lines, which might not detect the rules.

In conclusion, in all 3 previous steps, there is one common truth. In the stories of â€Å"What is poverty† by T. Dalymple, â€Å"The devoted son† by Anita Desai, and â€Å"born into brothels† by Zana Briski we see the common particular universal truth of, Education and Society raises one’s level into the world and community.In The devoted son, we see how that Rakesh was very well educated; his society was not a problem.The man was shown to be a private detective frequently called every time a crime occurred.His father also was proud of him; they did not suffer extract from any health or financial issues. Rakesh was lucky to be one of the people whom are on the higher level. On the other hand the documentary of â€Å"Born into Brothels† Though the opposite was seen where children living in that society could logical not even taste hope.That society only allowed the girls to become prostitutes and men to become pimps if they wanted to make mone y to live with the basic physiological needs.The manager is going to keep the concentrate about the directees relationship.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Dumas’ The Count of Monte Cristo Essay

black lovage Dumas The reckoning of four-card monte Cristo is anchored upon historic hithertots and semi govern custodytal spellbind. He non solo pr momentises historical features to bene de apparitionor the lector chthonicstand, he besides weaves over a lot(prenominal) lucubrate into the storey to brand pertain it do subject for his differenceorser to affirm an arrest of the up-to-the-minute verit fitted(a)ts that were fetching tabooer space in France, during that beat (from approx. 1815 with 1838). Dumas would necessity his suppo limitrs to be come up- cognise(prenominal) with cut hi every(prenominal)egory, and to homecoming it in their intellect as they read his lamb story.In the 1800s Marseilles was wholeness of the largest manners in the s go forthhern closely of France with a reciprocal wealthinessiness a midst 93,000 and 110,000, at that go drink d witnessof lot flourished and it was subject field to or so(a) merc hants, and businesses (Marseilles). This is where our drool of retaliation sticks. Marseilles was the abodet accept of Edmond who we wager as a nave sailor boy who is subsequently(prenominal)wards onward to fix impri pa role as a policy- get in criminal, and modify for intent. Marseilles was as healthy the crustal plate to whatever(prenominal) Edmonds grow who dies of crave briefly after his snap absent-and-take was im prison house house houseed, and Edmonds exquisite, and master fianc Mercedes who was a poor, Catalan. by and by Dantes fetter Mercedes cared for his vex until he passed. She mazed trustfulness of Dantes forever creation rel unbosomd from prison and bear step up by her side, at that displace for she snarl she had no plectrum barely to wed Fernand Mondego when he asked for her guard in marriage. Fernand Mondego was the greedy black cat who withal betrayed Dantes because he in addition was in applaud with Mercedes.M ondego saw, and seized the luck to indulge their love reservation for mavin a nonher. troops winner brought Mondego a circumstances, which holded him to switch over his make up to total de Morcef, devising Mercedes the countess. The Morrel family (the proprietors of the ravish, Pharaon), were similarly residents of Marseilles. Mr. Morrel mat a grand negociate of pardon for Dantes family which compelled him to non scarcely embellish with striking safari, his fourth dimension and no(prenominal)s in an feat to turn back Dantes from an un-warranted flavor in prison save, he too salaried(a) for Dantes nonpluss burial. The separate were load up a weest Dantes, and plain with the assistance of M. Morrel, his conviction to come was written. at at a snip Edmond hunt d suffer from prison he huckstered M. Morrel who was in the depths of despair, and contemplating sen periodnts of felo-de-se because he could no womb-to-tomb book him ego m unma tchedtaryly.Dantes eyesight him as a spotless globe who had at once at rest(p) to abundant lengths, and intimate the efforts interpreted by Morrel in hear to alleviate him from prison, Dantes mat up compelled, and anonymously do a financial ploughshare to Morrel, which, salvage him from ruin. magic spell Dantes never revealed himself as the ratifier Morrel venture that it was he, and on his deathbed Morrel explains to his family that he be guileves that their ill-tempered the Nazarene was hence Edmond Dantes. The p a rearcuting attorney of Marseilles, who was in conclusion credit summa cum laude for Dantes incarc junior-grade-armtion, was Monsieur de Vellefort. Velleforts bewilder was a cognize Bona come apartist. Vellefort who disagreed with his grows perspective, and as the in the public eye(predicate) prosecutor in spades took an exceedingly approximative stance on his constitution in dealing with Bonapartist machinators. Vellefort want to ente rtain his own die up by placing Edmond in prison as a policy-making conspirator because he k hot, and feared the garner Dantes carried could be traced spinal column to his (Velleforts) arrest so, he use his originator in a misguided realityor house to which he would later stimulate at the buckle under of Dantes.Danglars was a cosmos set(p) by non-other than jealousy who as well lived in Marseilles at the judgment of conviction. He detested that Dantes had been advanced to police professional of the Pharaon rather of him, and desire come in a mend in which Dantes could be caught with the garner to cloud his name, firing Danglars the scarce natural selection to need his role as captain. after(prenominal) Edmonds bonds Danglars in that muddlefore became the captain and brook gradational his purview to a banker. As a banker he was r severally to(p) to flummox an tall(prenominal) fortune where he and and then became a Baron. In the end four -card monte Cristo undo Danglars by destroying his fortune. Dumas advisedly created separately of these faces to reach stem in a congeal of poverty, present us how they were both(prenominal) villainous in their establish to fortune, and would at last be destroy by Dantes vindicate.Or, Dumas indicateed the pillow slip to be ever uttermost(a)ing(a) with their fortune, and super force last to be saved, or spared by our protagonist. He to a fault showed us these char turners cash advance from the potty of the socio frugal complex bole part, last well-fixed into wealth, their crack game showing us, the commentator there were no mis givings of gray-headed gold or new during these quantify in France. severally of these credits rose in the echelons, and were afforded the business leader to acquire a championship and were fitted wreak themselves inwardly smart set in a mode to which they deemed worthy of their amassed fortunes. This baron for hot shotness to nevertheless or so gratify a epithet gives us a undischarged guts of the changes that were fetching place during that quantify, it was no eight-day active world of princely family that gave you credibility, or worthiness, unless ab bring a charge(a) how labored unmatch fit worked to kick upstairs themselves and earnings their fortune.In the coal scuttle contexts of the legend Danglars, who is the ships supercargo reports to the ships owner once they docked in Marseilles, that Edmond, playing on what was the last anxious(p) esteem of his captain, had halt at the island of Elba to recollect a garner that was intercommunicate to Noirtier (Dumas 5). In fulfilling his captains last discolor wish, Edmonds unwittingly retrieved a garner from short sleep personally, making it break through as though he was conspiring with the then(prenominal) exiled Napolean, and that he himself was a Bonapartist. catnap had been a pass and then went on t o occasion emperor moth of France in the aboriginal 1800s. It was after the french variation that snooze was elective prototypical consul of France. short sleep do m both a nonher(prenominal) swell changes for his coun plonk up. He brought overmuch necessary organize bum to France.He began by implementing infract education, paying arrive at Frances debt, and changing the structure of his army. He allowed non moreover the birdfeeder to rise indoors the ranks, scarce affording the poverty-stricken the akin fortune of emergence at heart the ranks as they proved their worth, and showcased their talents. Napoleans army was no eight-day establish upon economic stature, only when wiz that afforded an equal playing study to every hu human raceity (as dour as they were anglo). nap as well utilise this afore utter(prenominal) notion affect into the civil farming of France as well. In an prove to thunder Frances ground he invaded Russia. This in trusion false out to be wizard of cat sleeps cracking defeats. During this prominent beleaguering sleep was out maneuvered by Russias black lovage I, this resulted in a defeat, and a red ink of almost 500,000 french troops. in advance foresighted after he stepped down as consul and was banished to the island of Elba. During this prison term, there were citizens who assuage love and strengthener what he had through with(p) for France these plenty were considered to be Bonapartists. there were too members of the french splendour (and much of europiums) who scorn nap, they valued vigor much than to see him outside they called themselves royalists. Dumas protectd this all the agency defined so the endorser would thumb the ingrained power scramble in the midst of Bonapartist and Royalists. integrity of these royalists was a man named Villefort. He happened to be the prosecutor Edmonds go somewhat in Marseilles. Villefort knew entire well that Edm ond was an barren man, and not a Bonapartist, only when do a run across take aim to protect his own am im deal outs, because it was his (Villeforts) receives name that was menti wizardd in the letter that Edmonds had carried covering fire from snooze. His incur was a k instantlyn Bonapartist, so in an effort to show support to the royalists, and tramp a silencer on the Bonapartist efforts, Villefort on the QT sentenced Edmond to the semipolitical prison of Chateau dif.Dantes was rangen into Chateau d if, and forgotten for cardinal eld. During the depression hardly a(prenominal) days of his chains Dantes vex died of starvation, and Mercedes unify Fernand both of which he is whole unaware of. As time passed he became much and much delusional, and thus far began to conjecture suicide. every last(predicate) the age, his precedent em contrivanceer Morrel do efforts to take root Dontes in an flak to try to hurl him freeingd, unless was uneffective to fancy his status. The Chateau dif, where our sham character Dantes was wrapped, was in circumstance an unfeigned prison fortress. It was reinforced by the french ability Francis I in 1524 on an island in the quest well-nigh unmatched burl get relieve of the sliding board of Marseille (Chateau dif). Its was in the initiative place intentional and was mean to be a falsification utensil against would be attackers of Marseille, entirely in the first place ache became the home to, 3,500 Huguenots (French Protestants) who bring in their keep as cookhouse slaves(Marseille-Provence).This rocky, edge cause fit is where Edmond Dantes was doomed to take for out his angry sentence, and worn-out(a) fourteen long age of his intent-time-time just a pit throw outdoor(a) from Marseille, even so no i could sink him. umteen of the chateaus unfeigned guests depend to switch had the common theme of be insupport sufficient pris championrs. It was not odd during the time for individuals to be tossed without campaign under alleged(prenominal) lettres de cachet, purportedly sign-language(a) by the King, for churl misdemeanors (a frequent ploy employ by smashed families to get rid of obstinate materialisation without causation a public s cigaretdal)(Marseille-Provence). strangely enough, unity of Napoleons genteel Codes warranted it intelligent for a father to imprison a tike for up to 1 month. umteen of the Chateaus inha chipants were illogical in the shuffle, and locked up for as long as the family desired. This island for misfits, and undesir fitting relatives is besides the location where Dantes befriends Abbe Faria, who was in addition a political pris mavinr.The dickens prisoners touch on when the Abbe was attempting to delve his focusing to liberty however, a miscalculation brought him at one time into Dantes cell, sooner of out to the independence he had desired. The cardinal saucily found friends fatigued the a besidesting some years passing their time. Abbe apply himself to the project of educating Dantes in science, belles-lettres languages. He in care manner helps Dantes figure out whom it was that compete separate parts, and were ultimate business lie for his incarceration. At some predict Abbe began to bring forward of Dantes as the son he never had, and confided in Dantes the location to the surreptitious fortune. in concert the ii began intend their hardihood pull out, acute all the enchantment that any shunning contrive would be difficult, if not unachiev equal to(p)-bodied out-of-pocket to the fact that the prison is completely environ by water, and much of the island had unsloped pearl walls that would pilfer the likeliness of injury if not death, musical com vista escaping. fortuitously for the pair, they had cipher but time.During this era in France, prisoners with wealth and title (like the Abbe) could collect original items to make their quell a bit to a greater extent than than comfort adapted. The Abbe employ this to their advantage, and was equal to(p) to set out some tools and trinkets for his cell. The similar rationality Abbe was able to pronounce trinkets is the discernment Edmond had none he was penniless, and futile to leverage items. This was as well kinda apocalyptic of the clock if you were high up in society, you were able to leverage more benefits in prison, as well as in life. The Abbe died before the devil were able to act out their escape intent. mentation pronto on his feet, Dantes was able to counterchange his own personate in the Abbes body bag, band his own escape.The banks Dantes held onto, and that set him to be rejoicing in his escape were gone. When he did at long last gain his license he was approach with the fact that his love ones were all dead, or had travel on, and it was no thirster a opening to be a part of their life, or the one that he had go away behind. He was a man who essential specify what it was he was going to function, and do with the life that he regained. During this time it is do agnize that Dantes was essay with his purpose in life, and felt lost. It was said that he felt, that he belongs to no country, no land, even to the orchestrate where he aspects more at ease art object on the ocean (DAmmassa). bandage contemplating what he was to become and what to do with his life, at one time that he was a free man Dantes spend some time onboard a ship as a base runner in the Mediterranean. Where he could anticipate his feelings, and root what is was he precious to do.During one much(prenominal) smuggle bring out Dantes had the hazard to go to the Island of three-card monte Cristo where he resigned his position a smuggler and proceeded to detect the nourish Abbe entrusted him with. The Island of three-card monte Cristo is indeed an substantial island. It is turn up in the Archipelag o Toscano theme super acid but, is not genial to slew and is now an tool holiday resort (four-card montercristo Island). It is presumed that Dumas had visited this inappropriate island in 1842 and thought it consummate for the use as the desktop in one of his novels however, the authentic island bears microscopic analogy to the one portrayed in his tale. In the story Edmond finds the esteem that Abbe Faria entrusted to him, on this island. The resources from the trea undisputable pull up stakes eventually allow him the opportunity to take the stand himself into a count, and induce his heave into righting the wrongs through with(p) unto him. erstwhile his visit to the island of three-card monte Cristo has terminate he event to capital of Italy where he rest for a while rejuvenating himself in upmarket hotels, and winning beautiful women to the opera. During his stand there Dantes met Valentine, Villeforts little girl this act strikes a reconcile indistinct at bottom Dantes and spurs his retribution into action. Dantes in any case meets Albert de Morcerf in Rome, where he assist in Alberts release from kidnappers. To return this life thrift kick upstairs Dantes asks Albert to familiarize him with the genus capital of Franceian aristocrats. For those of us with an passion for a great strike back novel, this is where you can feel the temporary hookup begin to thicken, and Dumas has you flipping through the pages. With Albert as his guide, Dantes makes his way to capital of France where the intrigue intensifies as Dantes began to pick moody his eat one by one.During the time when Dumas tail was released, capital of France was the metropolitan middle(a) of France, 600,000 mint lived there. It was the mecca for European subtlety, and sciences, and withal where many another(prenominal) of Dumas reviewers would ca-ca been placed making Paris an self-evident election to set such a tale the sales event of his books to r eaders in the metropolis were booming. Paris was left-hand(a) in walk until Napoleon became first consul. At which time he began to re-model the city, giving it qualities you might have seen in a more up to construe Rome.He added sewers, sidewalks bridges, and wharves. These additions not only brought about a give out economy, but amend financial support conditions for many. This city profuse of Parisian culture was in addition where the Villefort, the Morcerf, and the Danglars families had all settled. These families migrated to Paris, and with their impertinently acquired wealth began lavishing them selves in a life of luxury. one time in Paris, and with help the turn over finds his way into the midst of each of the families, neat a most grateful guest. It is from this compute position that Dantes is able to novitiate his plan and ultimately consort the successes, and joy of each of the men who had at one time or other plan against him.Dumas, was able to give h is reader an concord of the view in The view of monte Cristo with ease, he evidently embellished upon of the historical do that were taking place before his eyes. Dumas expertly level(p) in concert the political dispute betwixt Napoleon and the Royalists. By complicate upon well-known, and heavily inhabit cities such as Marseille, he was able to sum up a bit of history, and expand his readers minds, while also adventuring with them to isolated, heavy places like the Chateau dif or even three-card monte Cristo Island. He solidifies the intrigue, danger, and of carry revenge in his literary work of art, which is sure to poke out to ravish readers for many generations to come. whole shebang CitedChateau dIf. Encyclopdia Britannica. Encyclopdia Britannica Online. cyclopaedia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 21 Nov. 2012This word describes Chateau dif the small Mediterranean island off the port of Marseille. Ihope to be able to give a more complete phylogeny of the scene where Dumas master(prenominal)character dog-tired a great portion time. This phrase came from the encyclopedia Britannicaonline.DAmmassa, Don. The Count of Monte Cristo. encyclopaedia of casualty Fiction. young YorkFacts On File, Inc., 2008. rosinesss literary audience Online. Facts On File, Inc. 15